
Home » Gallery » Druker

The Druker project was a very labour intensive project. We had the original timbers which had to have a specialty washes followed up with scraping and sanding to clean them up. There were new timbers added to the mix, which had to blend into the original feel.

We used a custom stain mix. With each timber having a look of its own it was a judgement call as to how many coats each one took. Eli did an excellent job on this process. The clear coats finished things off perfectly. The t&g ceiling and rafters were also a challenge with the 2 tones, but again a job well done. The doors were done in a driftwood theme to match the t&g ceiling and floor. The entrance door is the original 200lb 4” thick slab, which opens up to the beautiful stairwell.

The original stairs and rail had the same process as the timbers with a high gloss finish to make them a beautiful feature at the entrance. The walls were kept simple so the main focus would be on the woodwork.

